Some 16,000 residents at Desa Rejang public housing flats in Setapak are currently under complete Lockdown as the covid cases there have reached 300 and 75 deaths. Most of the residents were already suffering under MCO and now made worst as they are barb-wired in and unable to go out to buy food or carry out their business or trade. While JKM provides them with dry provisions, they still need to source other items and fresh food. FreeFood Society stepped in to lend a helping hand (in line with our tagline) and together with Brickfields Asia College (BAC), we provided 300 trays of eggs, 300 loaves of bread, 150 packs of baby milk, baby and adult diapers. We hope more Malaysians will step in to help them as they will be locked down until 1July. To help us lend a further helping hand, you may make a donation to Persatuan Makanan Ehsan (Free Food Society) at Maybank a/c no. 5643 2461 7332.